Frequently Asked Questions
Is Wanderlust Adventures a sequel to Wanderlust: Rebirth?
While Wanderlust Adventures (WA) uses the same engine as Wanderlust: Rebirth (WR), we changed and/or refined nearly every aspect of the game. For a more detailed look, please refer to this blog post.
When will Wanderlust Adventures be released?
August 10th, 2015.
I have a question about Wanderlust: Rebirth!
Please refer to the Wanderlust: Rebirth FAQ here.
Are we still going to have to forward ports to connect with friends?!
Nope! Wanderlust Adventures makes use of the Steam Networking API in order to facilitate easy connection (with no port-forwarding required) between Steam users.
I have a question not listed here in the F.A.Q.! What do I do?
Try asking your question at our forums. Our users there are very helpful, and we often visit the forums to answer questions!

site and contents © Matthew Griffin & Jason Gordy